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So many things happen around a kitchen table. Many that do not catch my attention until I really sit and think.

Laughter of course! Also tears, good and bad. We gather and enjoy food with those closest to us, who we do life with. That see us at our worst and our best.

This is where we learn to try new things. Where conversation begins. as we learn about others and how their day has gone.

This is where we are taught manners and morals, discipline and celebration!

Math, spelling, reading, writing, English… the list goes on.

This is where we all sit and see if the dinner is amazing or not so satisfying.

A table is where I started to learn my children again.
* I learned Humility
* I learned what they liked and didn’t like. How much or how little to make their plates.
* I learned what made them smile, how beautiful their childlike laughs sounded.
* I learned their nicknames and funny things they liked to say.
* I learned how to have conversations with my very own children and family after been absent from their lives for too long.
• I learned to pray out loud with listening ears as I asked God to bless the food and let it nourish our bodies.

Going years without gathering around a table, I missed out on some stability that I craved.

Through the midst of this worldly chaos and everyday life. I choose to be grateful.

Today, I’m grateful for our table! And the blessing of Gathering with those I love most. To be able to be present and home.

07/05/15 We do recover
#sobermom #soberwife #soberme